Earnings Disclaimer

While Tax Liens are indeed guaranteed by the various States in the US to give returns of between 15% - 25% per year (and some States give even more) when redeemed by their owners, not all Tax Liens are the same.

Tax Deeds, although related to Tax Liens, do not come with any guarantee of returns on your investment by the various States in the US.

Tommy Senatore, in a strategic partnership with All Net Profits Center, will provide the most accurate information and action steps on a best-effort basis to you in his Tax Lien and Tax Deed LIFETIME Program to significantly increase your chances of choosing the right Tax Liens and Tax Deeds to invest in. However, the responsibility for choosing the right Tax Liens and Tax Deeds remains your own and you understand that you alone will assume all the risks that come with your investing decisions.

Tommy Senatore's current and past results with Tax Lien and Tax Deed investing is not an assurance that you will achieve the same results on your own. Your level of success depends on the time you commit to the program, how you implement the various techniques and methods taught, your finances and other skills necessary.

The use of our information, products, services and advice should be based on your own due diligence and you agree that Tommy Senatore and All Net Profits Center are not liable for any success or failure of your investment that is directly or indirectly related to the purchase and use of our information, products or services.